Onsite Training

Walk-in hours are for general FabLab use, there are no walk-in trainings. Please schedule your training using the links below.

How do I get FabLab "certified"?

Anyone in the NCSSM community - faculty, staff, Morganton and Durham residential and online students are welcomed in the Fablab. There are two ways to use our space, through appointment or during our walk-in hours. The FabLab has walk-in hours most weekdays when residential students are on campus. Appointments can be made any time with FabLab employees or TA's by emailing fablab@ncssm.edu or stopping by to visit. Walk-in hours are posted on our Calendar page. In order to use FabLab resources, we ask that you first complete our Tourientation. 

What is Tourientation?

Tourientation is the combination of a tour plus orientation of the FabLab.  Tourientation is a required step for all FabLab users; this includes students, faculty, and staff. After a Tourientation, a member will receive an ID badge and be entered into our Fabnet system. Fabnet tracks user check-ins/check-outs, allows a user to be eligible to borrow equipment, and keeps track of completed training. FabLab TAs are responsible for leading Tourientations for anyone requesting access to the FabLab. Tourientations can be booked through the Koalendar on our website below. After your Tourientation is complete, you can then sign up for other training and events!

Getting Trained on Woodshop Power Tools

In order to sign up for Power Tool training, please read through our Safety Training Program page. Power tool scheduling links below will become available to you after going through our CANVAS FabLab Safety Training Course. To be added to the course, email fablab@ncssm.edu today!

Trainings are not available during J-term. If you need training for a J-term course, please have your instructor contact the FabLab.