Project Collaboration Requests
Need project work done?
As a teaching lab, the NCSSM Durham Fablab does not provide fabrication services. Needless to say, we would love to collaborate with you and get students involved!
Collaboration Request Process:
Step 1: Fill out the Collaboration Request Form
To get started, please fill out this form:
Step 2: Wait to hear back for approval
Once your request is approved, the Fablab will send you some an email to confirm details. Once everything is sorted, you will be added to the queue.
Step 3: Identify your team
Since the NCSSM Durham FabLab is a teaching and learning environment, we are always looking for new ways to get more students involved. If you have a project and a few work service students, we can train them on whatever they need to get your project done. Don't forget to identify one of your TA's to be the point person!
What is a Project Collaboration Request?
A Fablab Project Collaboration is required when any task, meeting or consultation will take more than one hour of full attention from a Fablab Employee. They typically involve projects which are driven by a design/build process and require scheduling and appointments. There are four classifications of collaboration requests:
Must Do:
Special requests from the Chancellor.
Need to Do:
Requests from Academic clubs and competitions, NCSSM Morganton or NCSSM collaborators/partners.
Should Do:
Fac/Staff requests for departments, retirement gifts or academic events.
Could Do:
Outside institutional requests and student personal projects.
What we can provide:
Design consultations
Training on tools, equipment or software
Access to design software
Pick up of materials from Lowe's
Tool Checkout
What you need to provide:
Fabrication Labor
Your Service Learning, Senior Leadership or Work Service student's time. Don't worry about skill level, we will train them!
Project Management
You'll be responsible for keeping track of your student's participation and the project's timeline. If multiple students are involved, you will need to designate a point person for Fablab Employees to communicate with and relay information to the other students and staff.
All materials need to be purchased by you or your department. The FabLab has scrap material and a small amount of consumables that are available in moderation. Please be mindful that these supplies are shared by everyone.
No weapons
No support for painting or staining
No support on professional services outside of the Fablab's scope such as welding, engineering, computer programming, etc.
No support during blackout dates. These requests will be referred to outside contractors.
Blackout Dates:
There are certain dates in the school year where the Fablab experiences high volume use. During these dates we need all FabLab Employees and TA's focused on immediate student support through our walk-in and training services. Blackout dates for Collaboration Requests are typically:
First 3 weeks of a semester
Last 4 weeks of a semester